jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2016

Pro Axia Consultants: Why move traditional enterprise apps to the cloud?

Today, you can see enterprise IT departments having a hard time deciding whether or not to move to cloud. Many of which depend on traditional applications for their daily operations. Indeed, traditional apps are old but they usually serve business-critical functions. Pro Axia Consultants knows that a lot of people working in IT have encountered apps such as a five-year-old Java application or an owned .NET application that uses SQL servers.

Hundreds of articles available online had described the benefits of cloud-aware-apps, but this article aims to discuss some cloud benefits that were not usually mentioned in most of those articles.

Let's begin with cloud having the ability to adopt slowly. Companies being unsure where to start makes them put off cloud adoption. Cloud is not all about race; it should be considered by businesses as a process. In order for some enterprises to determine which parts of their application perform better and simpler to handle in cloud, they take their traditional, huge app and tease it apart to separate the pieces of the application.

Cloud is affordable, meaning you'll get more for less. Companies attempting to make their app work in the cloud will develop a version of it then call it a test and break it apart. Companies can spin up cloud servers and get rid of them, making it low-risk and high-rewarding. Its cost is only a small percentage of what companies are used to pay for traditional infrastructure.

Instead of hiring a full-time hardware specialist, cloud providers can handle much of the work involved in keeping the infrastructure running. Good news is that it is more affordable than hiring those full-time professionals. Delivering real value to the business includes new projects from the IT staff and cloud can help them fully concentrate on that matter.

Cloud is obviously one of the reasons why the nature of IT is being dramatically transformed. Cloud adoption allows your team to implement new agile development practices if your business involves software. With cloud, you can be sure that your business will stand strong amidst of the competition. The team at Pro Axia Consultants understands that the primary element vital to the survival of many businesses today is the ability to speed up the development lifecycle and reduce time to market.

Pro Axia Consultants also claims that every piece of a traditional app shouldn't be altered into a fully cloud-native app all at the same time to ensure that your business will not be left behind in the new generation of cloud IT. It is essential to find out first which components of your apps can live, and even succeed, in the cloud.